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– Green priorities under consideration in House budget (Christian Morris): The Environmental League of Massachusetts (ELM) and other members of the Green Budget Coalition are continuing efforts to push for an increase in spending for the environment. Specifically, ELM and the coalition seek more funding for state environmental agencies to achieve critical climate and clean energy targets, including increases for MassDEP, DCR, MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, and the Division of Ecological Restoration.
According to NBC10 Boston, the House version would “increase spending by 2.6% over the current year’s budget. It would also spend nearly $1.8 billion — or 3.9% — more than recommended by Republican Gov. Charlie Baker is his proposed budget.” According to House budget chairman Rep. Michlewitz, the new House budget for FY2020 “includes $312M for environmental services, including substantial increases in state parks and environmental protection.”
Despite this progress, members of the green budget coalition are looking for a few more line-item increases and supporting amendments to the House budget, including:
- Amendment #161 – “Increased Funding for DER” filed by Rep. Meschino
- Amendment #398 “EEA Climate Change Preparedness” filed by Rep. Vitolo
- Amendment #772 “Healthy Soils” filed by Rep. Schmid
- Amendment #800 “Conservation Land Tax Credit” by Rep. Jones
The House budget will now need to pass the FY22 budget, before sending it to the Senate which can amend it. After that, the Governor and both chambers will negotiate a final budget. the budget is usually completed sometime in the summer.
– “White House gives Massachusetts a C- grade on infrastructure report card” (Nik DeCosta-Klipa, Boston.com): [read the article]
– “Baker retreats more on biomass power plants” (Bruce Mohl, Commonwealth Magazine): [read the article]
– Senator Michael Barrett: “I have an Earth Day resolution: to join with grassroots activists to make sure the ambitious new climate law is implemented in full. It commits to the right Big Number — 50% fewer emissions by 2030. Let’s hope other states follow Massachusetts’ lead. #NextGenClimate #mapoli” [tweet]
–House Speaker Mariano: “On #EarthDay, we reaffirm our commitment to mitigating climate change and protecting our planet for future generations. Here’s how we are making Massachusetts a leader in climate protection and clean energy with the #NextGenRoadmap” [tweet]
– Acting Boston Mayor Kim Janey: “Happy #EarthDay, Boston! Today, I encourage you to get outside and do something positive for our planet. @BostonEnviro put together a guide with resources on how to help our city become carbon neutral, zero waste, and resilient against climate change.” [tweet]
– Governor Charlie Baker: “This #EarthDay and all #MAEarthWeek, we affirm Massachusetts’ commitment to protecting our planet and reducing our emissions…” [tweet]
– “How Solar Energy Policies Could Help More Low-Income Residents” (Philip Warbug, WBUR): [read the article]
– “On Revere’s Pearl Avenue, Residents Grapple With The Rising Tide Of Climate Change” (Miriam Wasser, WBUR): [read the article]
– “Earth Day 2021: Restoring our Planet” by Christian Morris, via Climate XChange.
– “Infrastructure investments move us toward an equitable climate resilient future” by Alex Papali and Rebecca Herst, via Boston Globe
– “It’s not too late to make a difference on the climate crisis” by Frances Moore Lappé, via Boston Globe
– “The ‘super wicked problem’ of climate change is our Earthshot” by L. Rafael Reif, via Boston Globe
– “100% Renewable: Getting there while preserving nature” by Johanna Neumann, via Daily Gazette
– “The real work begins now on climate change” by Winston Vaughan And Heather Takle, via Commonwealth Magazine
– “Conservatives too can fight climate change” by Greg Fournier, via The Daily Collegian
– “After Years Of Uncertainty, Expected Decision On Vineyard Wind Could Launch New Industry” (Miriam Wasser, Earthwhile): [read the article]
– “Gas ‘peaker’ plant would make way for more renewables, Massachusetts utilities say” (Sarah Shemkus, Energy News Network): [read the article]
– “Electrifying cement with nanocarbon black” (Andrew Logan, MIT): [read the article]
– “The National Guard wants to clear 170 acres of woods on Cape Cod for a new machine gun range” (David Abel, Boston Globe): [read the article]
– “Massachusetts just passed a landmark climate bill. Here’s why Ben Downing thinks it doesn’t go far enough.” (Nik DeCosta-Klipa, Boston.com): [read the article]
– “Climate change law codifies environmental justice” (Ivan Espinoza-madrigal, Laurel Sampson and Srish Khakurel): [read the article]
– “Will a Recent Emergency Methane Release Be the Third Strike for Weymouth’s New Natural Gas Compressor?” (Phil McKenna, Inside Climate News): [read the article]
– “4 winners and 4 losers from Biden’s climate leader summit” (Ella Nilsen, Rebecca Leber, Jariel Arvin, Benji Jones, and Umair Irfan): [read the article]
–”Secretary Haaland’s Unique Position to Lead Interior” (Elise Gilliam, Climate XChange): [read the article]
– “Massachusetts Offers Opportunities for Stakeholder Engagement to Address Transportation Emissions” (Dianne R. Phillips, Mark C. Kalpin, Maria de la Motte, and Saqib Z. Hossain, Holland & Knight Energy and Natural Resources Blog): [read the article]
– “Google Earth Now Shows You The Consequences of Climate Change For The Past 37 Years” (David Nield, Science Alert): [read the article]
– “Watch Sen. Ed Markey, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reintroduce Green New Deal, a 10-year ‘mobilization to fight climate crises gripping country’” (Benjamin Kail, MassLive): [read the article]
– Rev. Mariama White-Hammond has been appointed as Chief of Environment, Energy, and Open Spaces for the City of Boston under Acting Mayor Kim Janey. Rev. White-Hammond is the founding pastor of New Roots AME Church in Dorchester and has extensive experience with promoting equity and environmental justice in Boston. [read more]
Missed the last CXC Roundup? Here are the top three climate headlines from the previous weeks:
- “Baker pulls plug on Springfield biomass power plant”
- “Massachusetts’s New Climate Law: 5 Reasons to Celebrate!”
- “Weymouth Compressor Reports Another ‘Unplanned’ Gas Release. Third Time In 8 Months”
Read the full Roundup here from April 16th, 2021 here.
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