We use cutting-edge data and modeling to create actionable research for policymakers and other stakeholders to advocate for equitable climate and clean energy solutions. Our team provides technical assistance to state leaders on decarbonization, green stimulus, equity and environmental justice, carbon pollution pricing, and public health.

Recent Reports

Investing in a Better Massachusetts

Conversations with Frontline Organizations on Connecting Climate and Community Priorities

Investing in a Better Massachusetts

An Analysis of Job Creation and Community Benefits from Green Investments

Building Back Better: Investing in a Resilient Recovery for Washington State

Cap-and-Trade in California: Health and Climate Benefits Greatly Outweigh Costs

Carbon Pricing in a Just Transition

A policy framework and case study of California cap-and-trade


Impacts of Carbon Pollution Pricing on Massachusetts Households at Different Income Levels

Recommendations for New Mexico Carbon Pollution Pricing Policy

Regional Cap and Trade: Lessons from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and Western Climate Initiative

The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Impact of a Carbon Pollution Charge in Maryland

An Analysis of Impacts on Households at Different Income Levels from Carbon Pollution Pricing in Maryland

Benefits of the Regional Carbon Cost Collection Initiative

Analysis of a Carbon Fee or Tax as a Mechanism to Reduce GHG Emissions in Massachusetts

Recent White Papers

An Assessment of Environmental Justice Policy in U.S. Climate Alliance States

How The Green Future Act Creates Jobs and Benefits Communities

How Do States Plan To Meet Their Climate Commitments?