CABA Wins Award for Business Engagement

Each year, Climate Change Business Journal (CCBJ) recognizes nation-wide leaders in climate action with their CCBJ Business Achievement awards. They recently announced CABA as one of 12 winners for 2017, specifically for our work in advancing best practices for GHG mitigation.

In it’s nomination, the CCBJ recognized “The Climate Action Business Association (CABA) of Massachusetts for engaging small businesses to take action on climate change by improving their energy efficiency and enacting other strategies to reduce GHGs. In 2017, CABA exceeded 100-member businesses and served hundreds more through educational events and campaigns. CABA has also been working to build resiliency through sharing best practices across industries and getting businesses engaged in local planning processes.”

Thank you very much to Climate Change Business Journal for the award, and here’s to building on our work in 2018! If you’d like to learn more, you can check out the other winners for 2017 and subscribe to the CCBJ.