A Year of Powering State Climate Progress
Over the course of 2023, the U.S. experienced unprecedented climate progress. Solar energy capacity grew by 31 gigawatts and 1.2 million EVs were sold, demonstrating the scale of impact that was accomplished. States continued to be at the forefront of this progress by implementing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and by advancing climate policies. There was a lot to celebrate throughout the year as numerous state policies were enacted across the country, such as Minnesota and Michigan adopting 100 percent clean energy standards. As the IRA rolls out, we are seeing additional states participate in climate planning, with 46 states and territories applying for funding in 2023 and submitting Priority Climate Action Plans (PCAPs) – for 23 states, this is their first significant climate plan!
This great progress builds the momentum we need to address the challenges ahead, and states will continue spearheading the necessary policies to drive climate action further. Climate XChange (CXC) is uniquely positioned to play a key role in bolstering state actors by building actionable research tools, facilitating cross-state collaboration, and designing tailored policy assistance. We aim to empower state policymakers and advocates to implement solutions that meet the urgency of the climate crisis by rapidly and equitably reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
This report summarizes our contribution to state climate action, and I am incredibly proud of what our team has accomplished in the last year. We continued to gather community support for our environmental justice campaign in Maryland, receiving 60 favorable testimonies for the bill our coalition advocated for. Our State Climate Policy Network (SCPN) hosted 21 events attended by more than 6,000 state actors, and our State Climate Policy Dashboard accumulated 75,000 page views. These numbers tell a story of the climate movement’s engagement with our work and the unique role CXC plays in supporting actors in all 50 states.
In 2023, we also continued building the foundations for our future as we implemented our strategic plan. We were able to gain a deeper understanding of our network through our new CRM and provide the basis for a feedback plan to better meet our audience’s needs. We also invested in a plan to revamp our Dashboard to make this tool even more useful and actionable for advancing state climate policies. Additionally, we partnered with RMI to support the development of 20 State Climate Scorecards and with EPIC and Beech Hill Research to understand the barriers to Justice40 implementation.
All this work was only possible thanks to our funders and supporters, and we are immensely grateful for their support of our mission. We are proud that during 2023, we more than doubled our support from foundations and a majority of our EV raffle sales came from previous participants! As we continue to strengthen Climate XChange, we’ll be better positioned to bolster the efforts of the larger climate movement. Lastly, I am immensely grateful for our Board of Directors, who have guided our organization’s progress with dedication and entrepreneurial spirit.
I am truly proud of what we have accomplished in 2023 and for what’s to come in 2024!

Paola Ferreira Miani, Executive Director

Theory of Change
We are strengthening the climate movement by
Building actionable research tools, facilitating cross-state collaboration, and designing tailored policy solutions
Which empowers
State policymakers and advocates to implement solutions that meet the urgency of the climate crisis
Which will drive states to
Rapidly and equitably reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Our Work
Our state climate policy network (SCPN) connects over 15,000 legislators, executive branch officials, advocates, and technical experts working across the country.
Our state climate policy dashboard, the most comprehensive publicly accessible database for state climate policy, covers over 65 policies across all 50 states.
Our direct advocacy in Maryland is working to pass environmental justice legislation by leading a diverse coalition of stakeholders.
Our Values
At Climate XChange, we’re:



Committed to justice, equity, and diversity

Led by empathy

2023 By the Numbers

26,391 State Climate Policy Dashboard views

The State Climate Policy Network grew by 15.9%

21 events with a total audience of 6,040

77 newsletters and event emails sent with 214.5k unique opens

82 policy progress updates covering 24 states and the federal government with 68,175 views

2 major research projects completed with partnering organizations

60 favorable testimonies received for the climate crisis and environmental justice act
51 assistance requests completed, including:

12 for legislators in 10 states
33 for non-governmental organizations
4 for local and state offices

Grew the Rebuild Maryland Coalition to include 72 organizations and over 300 individual members

9 Dashboard Digest articles published with 3,480 views
Strengthening our State Climate Policy Network (SCPN)
By connecting advocates, policymakers, and subject matter experts, our State Climate Policy Network (SCPN) leverages the existing expertise of the climate movement to share best practices across state lines and ensure policies are informed by the latest science. In 2023, we focused on better understanding our Network and tailoring our offerings with our members’ needs in mind. We increased our data capabilities by transitioning to a Customer Relationship Management platform fit for our network’s size and depth, and began preparing for a network-wide survey in 2024 aimed at improving our offerings and better supporting the climate movement.
We also continued providing timely, actionable information and updates to the Network. In 2023:
We hosted seven Deep Dive webinars on various climate policy topics with a total audience of 5,156
We hosted 10 national policy calls highlighting current state climate policy updates from SCPN actors, reaching an audience of 1,040
We completed 51 tailored policy assistance requests for SCPN actors, powered by our State Climate Policy Dashboard
We provided direct connections to experts from state legislatures, nonprofit advocacy groups, state agencies, local governments, and research institutes
Equity is central to the mission of the SCPN and the climate movement at large, which is why we’ve kept a close eye on Justice40 implementation. Alongside the Environmental Policy Innovation Center (EPIC) and Beech Hill Research, we interviewed state agency staffers across the country to understand the barriers to implementing Justice40. We shared our findings and best practices directly with SCPN members, the White House Justice Advisory Council, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Transportation to ensure federal funding is reaching the communities that need it the most.
The State Climate Policy Network At A Glance

15,000+ members

Members working in all climate sectors

Members in all 50 states
State Climate Policy Network 2023 Spotlight
Deep Dive Webinars
recap article views
subject matter experts featured
National Calls
recording views
states provides updates
Legislator Solutions Calls
newsletters and event emails
unique opens

assistance requests completed
for state legislators
for non-governmental
Including the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation, the Indigenous Conservation Council, and the League of Women Voters
for local and state offices
Including the Oakland City Administrator’s Office, the New
Mexico Economic Development Department, and the Hawaii Office of Planning and Sustainable Development

What Our
Network is Saying
“It’s been an incredibly useful space to see what other states are up to and connect with those facing similar challenges. For example, as a result of the last SCPN call, I’m chatting later with folks in Wyoming and Montana about our common challenges with net metering and community solar in West Virginia!”
— Regional nonprofit organizer on National Calls
“Thanks for the amazing information sharing all! Wonderful to have a forum like this to explore emerging/creative policy!”
— Oregon State Representative on Legislator Calls
“I just wanted to thank you for running the annual meeting as
well as the monthly updates. It’s so great to see the larger picture, hear everyone’s ideas and struggles and celebrate progress.”
— Local Energy Committee member in MA on our Deep Dive Webinars

Powering Policy through Research
Our State Climate Policy Dashboard was launched in 2021 and remains the most comprehensive publicly accessible database available for state climate policy. In the past year, we tracked and monitored thousands of bills and regulations under consideration across all 50 states, adding enacted measures to our database of more than 65 different types of state-level climate policies. In 2023, the Dashboard helped more than 23,000 viewers research state climate policy and was cited by other leading organizations and agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency, National Institutes of Health, and the United Nations. Our Dashboard helped power a number of key initiatives in 2023 to drive state policy progress.
We fulfilled 51 Policy Assistance requests from Network members through research supported by the Dashboard.
We continued authoring Dashboard Digest articles for the SCPN. To date, we have authored 20 articles covering various aspects of electricity, buildings, and industrial policy with nine pieces published in 2023.
We expanded our biweekly Policy Progress updates to include enacted federal policies and open funding opportunities. We provided 82 updates covering 24 states and the federal government.
We partnered with RMI to create 2023 State Climate Scorecards. Using the in-depth data from our Dashboard combined with RMI and Energy Innovation’s Energy Policy Simulator, we modeled policy scenarios that measure climate progress to date and remaining policy gaps in 20 states.
Additionally, in 2023 we began developing a strategy to improve the Dashboard’s capabilities and user experience in order to serve the climate movement better. It will provide users with more sophisticated ways to identify and advance policy opportunities, including highlighting model states and rules, increasing the site’s policy coverage, and providing tools to compare policies across state lines.
The State Climate Policy Dashboard at a Glance

Launched in
Total Views
Data Points

Shared by the EPA, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, U.S. Chamber of Green Commerce, NIH Environmental Health Perspectives Journal, New York Times, Inside Climate News
Organizations Featured

2023 Spotlight
State Climate Policy
Dashboard views
Policy progress updates
states and the federal government covered
Dashboard Digest articles
Policy Areas

Elevating Environmental Justice in Maryland
Our team in Maryland leads the Rebuild Maryland Coalition, a diverse group of stakeholders working to reduce pollution and put frontline communities first. The coalition supports the Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act (CCEJ), a bill that will generate billions of dollars in funding to reach the state’s climate targets of the Climate Solutions Now Act while investing in overburdened, underserved, and low- and moderate-income communities.
In 2023, the coalition began preparing a robust campaign for the 2024 legislative session. We expanded our team, hiring a new organizer, bolstering our lobbying support, and increasing the number of coalition members. We also created a new visual identity and website for the coalition, allowing us to represent its mission and principles better, share resources and campaign updates, and explain how the CCEJ will support Maryland’s clean energy transition.
In the 2024 Session, the CCEJ was introduced by Delegate Diana M. Fennell (47A), Assistant Speaker Pro Tem (2020) and member of the Economic Matters Committee and cosponsored by five additional members of the House. At the bill’s hearing in February, 60 favorable testimonies were submitted, including two letters from 20 additional organizations voicing their support. Even though the CCEJ didn’t pass this session, we are proud of the strong support it received from legislators and community members.

Rebuild Maryland Coalition includes

72 Organizations
300+ Individual Members

60 Favorable Testimonies Received for the Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act
Our 2023 Supporters
Our work is only possible due to the generous support from our community. Thank you to all the individuals and foundations who contributed to our mission in 2023.

Our Annual Electric Vehicle Raffle
To date, over 11,000 people have shown their support through our annual raffles. We are proud to have a dedicated community of contributors who support our work year after year.

ticket purchasers

of participants previously
contributed to our work

of profit came from
our community

received from individual
donors in 2023
Foundations Supporting our Programs

2023 Financials
We set out to diversify our income sources in our 5-Year Strategic Plan and we are
making progress towards this goal. In FY2023, our income from grants more than
doubled from the previous year.
Yearly Budget: $1.36 Million


Cathy Carruthers
Board Chair (Jan-March)
Cathy is a retired Natural Resource Economist, previously working for the state of Washington for 21 years, most recently for Tacoma Power.
Kalman Gacs
Kalman is the Project Manager and Creative Director at Viv Web Solutions, but found his start making digital graphics for the climate movement.
Peter Kirby
Board Chair (March-Dec)
Raffle Director
Peter is a former strategy consultant and executive for IBM, now investing his time and assets to fight the climate crisis.
Laura Teicher
Board Member
Laura is the Executive Director at FORGE, a nonprofit that helps startups navigate the journey to reach impact at scale.
Quinton Zondervan
Quinton was a Cambridge City Councillor, and his business and technology background helped him start and lead several companies and organizations.
Climate XChange Team

Irene Anastasiou
Operations Associate
Prior to joining Climate XChange, Irene was a Sr. Systems Analyst at Wellington Management. She manages the organization’s office, assists in our monthly accounting process, and coordinates the logistics for our annual fundraiser.

Wandra Ashley-Williams
Maryland Regional Director
Wandra Ashley-Williams is an accomplished senior management executive, community activist, and elected official with experience in diversified industries as well as public service. Wandra lead’s Climate XChange’s participation in the Rebuild Maryland Coalition.

Greg Casto
Communications Manager
Greg’s work at Climate XChange focuses on helping people understand the nuanced topic of climate policy. He is responsible for writing online content, social media, and managing all external communications for Climate XChange.

Da'Juan Gay
Maryland Organizer
At Climate XChange, Da’Juan works on our Maryland Campaign, building a diverse group of stakeholders to join the Rebuild Maryland Coalition. He also serves on the City Council in Annapolis, MD, winning a seat as the youngest member in the city’s history.

Paola Ferreira Miani
Executive Director
Paola Ferreira is an environmental policy and strategy expert with 22 years of international experience in biodiversity conservation, climate change, and energy. As Climate XChange’s Executive Director, Paola leads our organization by spearheading our 5-Year Strategic Plan.

Jonah Kurman-Faber
Policy & Research Director
Jonah is a climate and energy policy expert with a focus on decarbonization pathways, green stimulus, state policy, carbon pricing, equity and environmental justice, and public health. He serves as a technical resource for policymakers and leaders at the nexus of interdisciplinary economics and social movements.

Amanda (Griffiths) Pontillo
Communications Director & Operations Lead
Amanda comes to Climate XChange from the Massachusetts State House in various roles where she focused on energy and environmental policy. She oversees the organization’s content creation and brand identity. She also oversees operations.

Kristen Soares
State Climate Policy Network Manager
Kristen is a UCLA graduate with a degree in Environmental Science and Public Affairs. At Climate XChange they manage the SCPN: conducting outreach, organizing webinars, and facilitating connections between state climate actors.

Ruby Wincele
Policy & Research Manager
Ruby researches the economic, social, and environmental benefits of state climate policy and provides technical assistance to policymakers and advocates working to pass equitable climate policy in their states. She also tracks climate and adaptation policies across every state for the State Climate Policy Dashboard.