Caba Staff

Businesses Tackle Climate Change at CABA’s All Member Reception

by AMANDA GRIFFITHS, MARCH 23rd, 2018 On March 15th, our member businesses gathered in Boston to attend CABA’s most recent All Member Reception. The event provided an opportunity for new and seasoned CABA member businesses to share stories, network, and learn...

Unpacking Baker’s $1.4 Billion Bond Bill

by TIM CRONIN, MARCH 20th, 2018 In the wake of Massachusetts’ third major winter storm, Governor Baker announced an ambitious new $1.4 billion bond bill (H.4318) to fund climate adaptation programs. The 72-page bill funds key climate adaptation programs through state bonding...

A New Strategy for Residential Solar in Massachusetts

by TIM CRONIN, MARCH 19th, 2018 During the first half of 2017, the state of solar in Massachusetts was bright. The Commonwealth was second only to California in the total number of solar units installed and two years prior, Massachusetts was...

Northern Pass Denied Once More By NH Committee

by TIM CRONIN, MARCH 16th, 2018 On Tuesday, a New Hampshire committee moved to uphold its previous recommendation not to approve key permits for the controversial Northern Pass project. The committee has not officially voted to reject the proposal, but is...

Member Interview: Boston Solar

As part of our Member Engagement Guidebook outlines ways that member businesses can take targeted action on climate change through sustainability, political advocacy, and community building. Boston Solar chose to participate in a Member Interview, an engagement option that allows...

Recent Cannabis Regulations Take Energy Efficiency to a Higher Level

by SAM MILTON PRINCIPAL OF CLIMATE RESOURCES GROUP Ι MARCH, 7TH, 2018 At yesterday’s public meeting at the Massachusetts State House, the Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) agreed to include recommendations from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs in their...

The Real Reason Your Energy Bill Surged Last Month

by JONAH KURMAN-FABER POLICY AND RESEARCH FELLOW On February 12th, the Boston Globe put out an editorial that blames environmental advocates and their “pipeline absolutism” as the main culprit behind the high electricity and heating prices that burdened Massachusetts residents during...

AIM Supports Carbon Pricing in Latest Statement

by TIM CRONIN POLICY ASSOCIATE Associated Industries of Massachusetts’ (AIM) statement in the latest Senate omnibus clean energy bill was for the most part what one would expect from the state’s largest industry lobbyist. It called the bill “Christmas for...

Fashion Industry’s Carbon Footprint Wearing on Our Environment

by SEREEN SUMNER COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Every industry contributes to the world’s carbon footprint in its own way. However, the fashion industry is often overlooked as one of the primary polluters in the world, second only to oil. Various well-known brands have...