Carlie Clarcq

SCPN Spotlight: Wafa May Elamin on inclusive community building

All across the country, members of our State Climate Policy Network (SCPN) are fighting to make an impact on climate change in their communities. We have individuals in our Network from all 50 states, each experiencing climate change differently in...

ExxonMobil sued for decades of lies

Last week, Connecticut Attorney General William Tong filed a lawsuit against ExxonMobil, one of the worldā€™s largest international oil and gas companies, for intentionally deceiving the public about the connection between fossil fuels and the climate crisis.Ā  ā€œExxonMobil sold oil and...

SCPN Spotlight: Rachel Kriegsman on Clean Energy Education

All across the country, members of our State Carbon Pricing Network (SCPN) are fighting to make an impact on climate change in their communities. We have individuals in our Network from all 50 states, each experiencing climate change differently in...

Webinar Highlights: A Fireside Chat With U.S. Congressman Sean Casten

Although the current federal administration has deregulated and decreased many important environmental regulations over the past four years, this is not to say that important climate work isnā€™t occurring at the national level.Ā  Congressman Sean Casten, a first term Representative from...

Landmark Environmental Justice Legislation Passed in New Jersey

Last week on the afternoon of August 27th, New Jerseyā€™s legislative branch passed Senate Bill 232, a historic piece of legislation acknowledging the disproportionate impacts of climate change on environmental justice communities and implementing measures to make it far more...

SCPN Spotlight: Anya Flood Taylor on Youth-Led Climate Activism

All across the country, members of our State Carbon Pricing Network (SCPN) are fighting to make an impact on climate change in their communities. We have individuals in our Network from all 50 states, each experiencing climate change differently in...

Climate Change Takes the Stage at the Democratic National Convention

Last week, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris formally accepted the Democratic nominations for President and Vice President at the Democratic National Convention (DNC). The convention was unprecedented this year, not only because of its almost entirely virtual format, but also...

SCPN Spotlight: Anita Schell and Stephen MacAusland on the link between faith, justice, and climate

All across the country, members of our State Carbon Pricing Network (SCPN) are fighting to make an impact on climate change in their communities. We have individuals in our Network from all 50 states, each experiencing climate change differently in...

Webinar Recap: Building Inclusive and Effective Climate CoalitionsĀ 

Passing strong and equitable climate policies across the country necessitates the creation of diverse and inclusive coalitions that bring to the table a wide variety of perspectives. In the past few years, many successful climate coalitions have resulted in important...