Noa Dalzell

Conservative Experts Advocate for a Price on Carbon in SCPN Webinar

In an era of extreme partisan gridlock, it has been difficult to gain bipartisan support for climate policy. Climate action is, in many ways, now perceived as a liberal issue, with Democrats introducing ambitious policy like the Green New Deal,...

Amended Oregon Cap-and-Trade Bill Unveiled by Lawmakers

After months of public hearings and deliberations, Oregon lawmakers released the highly-anticipated, amended version of the state’s landmark cap-and-trade bill. Sen. Michael Dembrow (D) and Rep. Karin Power (D), the co-chairs of the Joint Committee on Carbon Reduction, released the...

Washington Lawmakers Aren’t Giving Up: New Carbon Pricing Proposal Gaining Traction

Though Washington State voters have rejected carbon pricing proposals twice before, lawmakers haven’t given up on making the state the first in the nation to impose a direct fee on carbon pollution. A comprehensive transportation funding package that will impose...

Hawaii’s Carbon Pricing Bill Passes Senate with Unanimous Support

For the first time in Hawaii’s history, a carbon pricing bill has passed through one of its legislative chambers. On Tuesday, March 5th, “An Act Relating to Taxation” (Senate Bill 1463), introduced by Sen. Karl Rhoads and six others, unanimously...

Deep Dive Recap: A Conversation on Green New Deal with Evan Weber and David Roberts

Each month, the State Carbon Pricing Network (SCPN) holds a deep dive webinar, tackling a hot button carbon pricing issue with experts. This month, we led a conversation on the Green New Deal with Evan Weber, the political director and...

Maine’s First Carbon Pricing Bill Helps Get the Conversation Moving

On February 28th, Maine’s first-ever carbon pricing bill (LD 434) faced opposition in a public hearing in front of the Joint Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology. The bill, which was introduced by Rep. Deane Rykerson (D-Kittery) in January, imposes...

What Can We Learn from Washington State? Deep Dive Recap

Each month, the State Carbon Pricing Network (SCPN) holds a deep dive webinar, tackling a hot button carbon pricing issue with experts on the matter. This month, the SCPN organized a debrief on the Washington State November carbon pricing ballot...

CT Lawmaker Faces Opposition in Three-year Push for Carbon Pricing

Like other states in the region, Connecticut legislators have been vying for an economy-wide fee on carbon pollution for several years now. These efforts have been spearheaded by state Representative Jonathan Steinberg (D-Westport), who has introduced carbon pricing legislation for...

Strong Climate Policies on the Horizon in the Empire State

Though countless reports have highlighted the grave future consequences of climate change, President Trump has done nothing about the massive existential threat but deny its existence and roll back environmental regulations. In the wake of such inaction, state lawmakers have...