Heat Waves: A Climate Justice and Public Health Issue
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to take thousands of American lives, its effects are being worsened by a “heat dome” sitting over the continental U.S. As reported by the Washington Post, much of the U.S. experienced abnormally high temperatures throughout...
How systemic racism determines health outcomes for Black Americans
We are living in a broken system that unfairly targets black Americans in every possible way. Over the past few weeks, protests have exploded across our country demanding racial justice and the dismantling of the systems that have oppressed Black people...
Nations around the world are planning for a green recovery. Is the U.S. falling behind?
The Covid-19 pandemic is taking an immense toll on our country. With 1.8 million cases and counting, the U.S. has more coronavirus victims than any other nation in the world. On top of this health crisis, unemployment rates hit at...
How the Coronavirus Pandemic Could Exacerbate Eco-Anxiety
As the world grapples with the devastation and destabilization of the coronavirus, as well as the waves of protests demanding justice for George Floyd and calling for an end to the systemic racism that has inflicted centuries of oppression, there...
“The most important thing an individual can do, is be a little less of an individual”
A Conversation with Bill McKibben If you care about the climate crisis, or generally have been paying attention to the climate movement over the span of the past few decades, it is likely that you are more than familiar with Bill...
“Lo más importante que puede hacer un individuo es ser menos individualista”
Una conversación con Bill McKibben A medida que descubrimos más y más paralelos entre el COVID-19 y la crisis climática, tenemos una necesidad crítica de entender los sistemas que han perpetuado inequidades sociales y económicas que han exacerbado el sufrimiento causado...
A New Kind of Environmentalist’s Dilemma: Earth Day in the Times of COVID19
Earth Day feels different this year. Actually everything feels different this year as the days at home grow to weeks and months, and we face the increasingly heavy weight of the devastation of the coronavirus. It seems odd to even...
How Do We Keep Pollution Reductions After This Crisis? Invest in Climate and Public Health
As the COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily halted almost all economic activity and travel, cities around the world have seen a significant improvement in air quality and lowered greenhouse gas emissions. With people working from home, electricity demand has also fallen,...
Coronavirus Compounds Health Risks of Air Pollution
The coronavirus crisis has completely transformed life across the globe. Already, COVID-19 infections span across six continents and cases are confirmed in almost every country, with the virus yet to peak in most. While the disease has affected the lives...