CXC Policy Roundup
April 16th Roundup: Baker Revokes Approval for Springfield Biomass Plant
[Not a subscriber? Sign up here] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS – “Baker pulls plug on Springfield biomass power plant” (Bruce Mohl, Commonwealth Magazine): "THE BAKER ADMINISTRATION pulled the plug on a controversial biomass power plant in Springfield on Friday amid growing pushback from opponents who...
April 2nd Roundup: Senator Barrett Advises Governor Against Undermining Climate Law
[Not a subscriber? Sign up here] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS – With climate bill now law, some policymakers shift focus to implementation (Tim Cronin): Last week lawmakers joined Governor Baker as he signed a sweeping climate bill into law. Despite the back and forth over the...
March 26th Roundup: Next Generation Roadmap Bill Becomes Law
[Not a subscriber? Sign up here] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS – Its (Finally) Law: Next Generation Roadmap legislation signed by Governor (Tim Cronin): This afternoon (3/26) in the state house library, Governor Baker joined legislative leaders to officially sign the Next Generation Roadmap bill (S.9)...
March 19th Roundup: Senate, House Passes Final Climate Bill
[Not a subscriber? Sign up here] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS – Senate, House overwhelming pass the (final) NextGen Climate bill (Tim Cronin): After about a month of negotiations between the House and Senate, this week lawmakers rapidly passed a final version of the Next Generation...
March 12th Roundup: Offshore Wind Sees Boost From Feds, State
[Not a subscriber? Sign up here] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS – Senate releases updated climate bill, rejects major revisions from Governor Baker (Tim Cronin): Late Wednesday night (3/10), Senate leaders released an updated version of the Next Generation Roadmap climate bill (S.30). The bill...
March 5th Roundup: Mariano Says Climate Bill Won’t Change Much
[Not a subscriber? Sign up here] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS – Mariano signals NextGen Roadmap climate bill won’t change much (Tim Cronin): While speaking on WBUR's Radio Boston, House Speaker Mariano remarked on the next generation roadmap climate bill (S.9) saying, “nothing substantive will change in this bill.”...
February 26th Roundup: 6,500 Bills Filed on Beacon Hill
[Not a subscriber? Sign up here] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS – No movement last week on Next-Gen Roadmap bill (Tim Cronin): Last week passed with no action on the Next Generation Roadmap bill (S.9), the climate bill originally passed last session and vetoed...
February 19th Roundup: $10 Billion ‘Green Future Act’ Put Forward to Fund Climate Action
[Not a subscriber? Sign up here] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS – “Baker Sends Climate Bill Back With Amendments” (Colin A. Young, SHNS via Earthwhile): “Gov. Charlie Baker still is not on board with the climate policy bill overwhelmingly passed by the Legislature twice in...
February 4th Roundup: When Can We Expect a Final Climate Bill?
[Not a subscriber? Sign up here] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS – When can we expect a final climate bill? Soonest looking like last week of February (Tim Cronin): Last Thursday the Senate and House overwhelmingly passed their roadmap climate bill, sending back to Governor Baker...