
Environmental Justice Tools For Activating Local Communities in Maryland

The Rebuild Maryland Coalition is a growing group of 350 + organizations and individuals representing Faith Communities, Civil Rights organizations, Non-Profits, Labor Unions, Businesses, Educational Groups, and Environmental Groups. This diverse group of stakeholders formed in 2020 to establish practical...

An Inequitable Pandemic: How Environmental Racism Has Worsened COVID-19 in Communities of Color

The COVID-19 pandemic is an injustice that is intersectional at its core. The inequities associated with this crisis are innately tied to specific preexisting disparities in public health, workers’ rights, housing stability, and more, but one critical and commonly overlooked...

Environmental Justice as a Public Health Crisis

We are still amid a global pandemic. As COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc, the United States has not done the best at ensuring its citizens’ health and safety. Vaccine distribution, while finally at 50% nationwide, is still not as widespread...

How the Climate Crisis Compounds Risks For Incarcerated Workers

This summer has been marked by a series of climate-fueled disasters: heat waves with disastrous consequences, dramatic rainfall and intense thunderstorms, an earlier and potentially more destructive hurricane season, and nearly 100 wildfires raging across the country. The increasing intensity...

Climate Justice for All, Including the Disability Community

As the prevalence and severity of climate-related emergencies rise, so does the need for awareness, diversity, and inclusion to be woven into the fabric of the climate movement. Understanding the systemic inequities that create barriers to accessibility for the disability...

Heat Waves, Urban Heat Islands, and the Inequitable Impacts of a Warming Climate 

This summer, states in the Western U.S. are battling record breaking heat, confounded by wildfires — the frequency and severity of which are only increasing with the climate crisis. The extreme heat many Americans are experiencing is more than just...

Earth Day 2021: Restoring our Planet

This year, the theme for Earth Day is restoration. It’s a clarion call to restore and rehabilitate our natural, social, and economic systems imperiled by converging and compounding ecological and climate crises. While much of the world continues to grapple...

It’s Not Forest Management, It’s the Reality of Living in a Warmer World

As the West Coast erupts into an ever-increasing inferno of devastating wildfires, we bear witness to the realities of living in, and with, the climate crisis. This is only a glimpse into what the future will increasingly look like, which...

Hurricane Isaias brings destruction to the East Coast — a glimpse at what the future could look like

The Conforti brothers, owners of a small restaurant in West Caldwell, New Jersey, were doing everything they could to re-open their business safely amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. They emptied their savings to turn their parking lot into outdoor dining,...