
July 16th Roundup: Hundreds attend Roadmap bill rally

[ Not a subscriber? Sign up here ] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS - Hundreds attended virtual rally for Meschino Roadmap bill (Tim Cronin): Yesterday (7/15), 266 people joined Representative Meschino and other lawmakers in a ‘virtual rally’ supporting Meschino’s 2050 Roadmap bill. Among those speaking included Representative Pignatelli, the chair...

July 9th Roundup: John Kerry testifies at State Senate climate committee hearing

[ Not a subscriber? Sign up here ] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS - John Kerry testifies at State Senate climate committee hearing (Martha Merrow): Last week, at a Beacon Hill hearing focusing on climate inaction in Massachusetts, former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called-in to urge state policymakers to...

July 1st Roundup: Local businesses urge 2020 climate action, pro-fossil fuel coalition disagrees

[ Not a subscriber? Sign up here ] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS - Shadowy fossil fuel funded coalition sends letter to House leadership discouraging climate action (Tim Cronin, Martha Merrow): Last week an organization called the Mass Coalition for Sustainable Energy sent a letter to Speaker Deleo and...

June 24th Roundup: House leaders convene panel to review green energy priorities

[ Not a subscriber? Sign up here ] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS - House leaders convene panel to review green energy priorities (Tim Cronin): According to reporting from the State House News Service, a new legislative task force tapped by House Democrats will “explore ways to support...

June 17th Roundup: MA environmental officials violated Clean Water Act

[ Not a subscriber? Sign up here ] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS - State Auditor: Mass. environmental officials violated Clean Water Act: A report from State Auditor Suzanne Bump outlines how the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) failed to publicly release water quality testing data since...

June 12th Roundup: Healey challenges DPU on fossil fuels

[ Not a subscriber? Sign up here ] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS -  Attorney General asks DPU to lead on clean energy transition, investigate natural gas (Tim Cronin): Citing the state’s legally binding goal to reduce emissions by 2050, Attorney General Maura Healey filed an...

June 4th Roundup: Surprise! Compressor Permit Vacated

[ Not a subscriber? Sign up here ] INTRODUCING MARTHA I'm excited to introduce Martha Merrow, the first co-author of the Climate XChange Massachusetts Roundup! Currently working as CXC's Communications Fellow, Martha will assist in increasing our weekly content offering and expanding the reach of the...

May 28th Roundup: New Statewide Gas Leaks Map

[ Not a subscriber? Sign up here ] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS - 18 state groups ask House leadership to advance Meschino Roadmap bill: A coalition of eighteen climate and environmental organizations, including 350 Massachusetts, ELM, the Trustees of Reservations, and the Climate Action...

May 21st Roundup: Climate Bills Face June 4th Deadline

[ Not a subscriber? Sign up here ] BEACON HILL HAPPENINGS - Lawmakers face June climate bill deadline: Legislators on the Joint Energy Committee (aka. TUE) are facing a deadline of June 4th, 2020 to report on climate legislation for this session. A number of...