CLIMATE XCHANGE Policy Roundup: Businesses plan CARBON PRICING lobby day—thousands of jobs will be produced by OFFSHORE WIND

HAPPY MONDAY- Slow news week, strongut expect themngs to ramp up as Massachusetts heads emnto the femnal months of emts legemslatemve sessemon.

Have a news story, suggestemon, feedstrongack, or any other emnfo for the CXC Polemcy Roundup? Emaeml:

State Carbon Pricing--

-Businesses Plan June Carbon Pricing Lobby Day: Members of the Climate Action Business Association (CABA) and Business Leaders for Climate Action (BLCA) are descending on Beacon Hill June 6th to push for the passage of a carbon pricing provision before the end of the legislative session. Business leaders can sign-up here to participate.

Offshore Wind--

-New report finds 1600 MW of offshore wind creates thousands of MA jobs: MassCEC has released a report on the economic and jobs impact of the state’s emerging offshore wind industry. There finding show that the deployment of 1,600 MW of offshore wind would create between 2,270 and 3,170 job years (defined as one person working full-time for one year) during construction over the next 10 years. Offshore wind investment would also generate between $675 million and $800 million in direct economic output in Massachusetts.

Beacon Hill Happenings--

-”Massachusetts House proposes $40.98 billion state budget for fiscal 2019” by MassLive: On Wednesday, the powerful House Ways and Means Committee released a $40.983 billion Massachusetts state budget proposal for fiscal 2019, an increase in spending of 3.1 percent over the current year. Read the MassLive summary here.

Beyond The Bay State--

-“The Northeast US has a carbon-trading system. It is boosting, not hurting, state economies.”: Vox breaks down a recent study highlighting the positive effects of RGGI on Northeastern states and the economic performance they’ve been able to achieve under the carbon-trading scheme set up over a decade ago.


-“Why climate change can’t escape Washington’s back burner” via Axios’s Amy Harder

-“Shocker: Opposition forms to Maine hydro plan” via the Boston Globe’s Editorial Team
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CLIMATE XCHANGE PODCAST EPISODE: This week the Cooler Earth podcast team is exploring equity in renewable energy development. Renewable energy has the potential to disrupt power dynamics created by fossil fuels, but how it’s implemented will be crucial. This week, they explore the concept of energy democracy with lawyer, activist and author, Shalanda Baker.

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