
The Case for Local Climate Action Plans in Maryland

With severe weather and storms on the rise as our planet’s climate continues to warm exponentially, Maryland must do more to prepare its citizens and its infrastructure for climate change-fueled disasters. Just this past August, Hurricane Ida made landfall all...

Live from COP26: The Proof is in the (Meat) Pudding

Our State Climate Policy Network Director, Noa Dalzell, is at the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, following the international climate negotiations, as well as robust state-level conversations centered around equitable climate policy. We’ll be sharing original, on the...

Live from COP26: U.S. States and Climate Action

Our State Climate Policy Network Director, Noa Dalzell, is at the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, following the international climate negotiations as well as robust state-level conversations centered around equitable climate policy. We’ll be sharing original, on the...

What to Expect at COP26

In the last few weeks, the climate community has been abuzz with news surrounding the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) taking place in Glasgow, Scotland. The conference began October 31 and will run until November 12. While those involved...

Wisconsin Fails to Act on PFAS Contamination and Climate Policy 

Wisconsin is dealing with a crisis that is largely unknown and continues to worsen: PFAS contamination (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in drinking water and groundwater sources. PFAS are a class of man-made chemical compounds that are commonly found in various industrial...

Webinar Recap: Passing State-Level Food Policy

Food production uses up half of the Earth’s habitable land, and is responsible for nearly a third of global heat-trapping emissions. These emissions come from the growing, processing, transporting, storing, cooking, and disposing of the foods we eat every day,...

East Boston v. Eversource Substation: An Ongoing Fight for Justice

In the spirit of Hispanic Heritage Month, it’s important to highlight the ongoing fights for justice and equity that Latinx activists continue to hold throughout their communities. Many of these efforts are against the advancements of gentrification and environmental injustice...

Dear Policymakers: Community Engagement is Critical for Climate Policy

The climate crisis is worsening. The world’s seven warmest years have occurred since 2014. In 2020, there were 22 disasters in the U.S. alone, costing over $1 billion each, the most on record and over triple the annual average since...

Webinar Recap: Disaster Resilience for All

The world is waking up to the devastating impacts of climate change and its increasingly prevalent disasters: the world’s seven warmest years have occurred since 2014; in 2020, there were 22 disasters in the U.S. alone costing over $1 billion...