
Washington Cap-and-Invest Bill Gets Through Committee

Late in February, Washington State’s Senate Committee on Environment, Energy, and Technology passed the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) by a vote of 7 to 3. This step accelerates momentum for essential climate action in Washington this session. The CCA will...

President Biden Increased The Social Cost Of Carbon, But Is It Enough?

For years, economists and climate scientists have worked to attribute a price tag to the pollution driving the climate crisis, known as the Social Cost Of Carbon (SCC). The SCC can be leveraged in policy and decision-making to weigh the...

The Road to 100% Renewable Webinar Recap

The concept of 100% renewable energy is rising as a policy choice for reducing carbon pollution. In recent years, several cities and states have committed to 100% renewable energy or net-zero goals, and President Joe Biden has committed to carbon...

Prominent Environmentalists To Testify In Favor Of Landmark Climate Bill

The Climate Crisis and Education Act (CCEA), introduced in Maryland this session, is having a hearing before the House Economic Matters Committee today at 1:30pm EST. The bill is supported by the Rebuild Maryland Coalition, and currently has endorsements from...

We Can’t Stop Climate Change, But We Can (Still) Avoid The Worst-Case Scenario

Life on Earth is, in itself, a miracle. The conditions produced by the delicate balance of Earth’s planetary systems has allowed modern humans to flourish and thrive over thousands of years. But, while we relish in the gifts this planet...

Administration off to a good start on climate commitments

The United States has a new Commander-in-Chief. Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President last week and environmental advocates breathed a sigh of relief. The inauguration signaled an end to the volatile, anti-science Trump administration, an era under...

The Climate Crisis and Education Act can make Maryland a National Leader on Climate

The Climate Crisis and Education Act (CCEA), introduced in Maryland this session, incentivizes the reduction of carbon pollution emissions, and its passage would put Maryland on a commonsense, practical pathway toward a sustainable, vibrant economy. This week, dozens gathered virtually...

Biden’s Climate Cabinet Meets Diversity of the Climate Moment: Will they meet its ambition?

Across the globe, climate activists have urged those in power to act on climate change imminently and appropriately. Particularly in recent years, we have seen a diverse coalition form in the fight for our own collective survival and that of...

The Capitol Riot (as with most everything else) is also a climate story

Last week, we witnessed a horrifying display of insurrection in our U.S. Capitol. As Congress was certifying the results of the 2020 election, Trump-supporting rioters gathered outside with the intention of disrupting the process in the name of the lame-duck...