In Uncertain Times, the Need for Climate Action Remains a Crucial Certainty

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving is the global day for giving back and supporting the causes you believe in. This Giving Tuesday could also be when you win a fully customized Tesla by entering our annual Tesla Raffle! All proceeds will go directly towards supporting our mission to pass smart and ambitious policy in states around the country – enter today for your chance to win!


This holiday season is different. It comes as the culmination of a year that has been unspeakably difficult, painful, isolating, and at times hopeless. So much has been lost — lives, livelihoods, loved ones. We not only continue to deal with a pandemic never seen in our lifetimes, but also lived through one of the worst hurricane and wildfire seasons we have ever experienced. The losses we share are real and painful, but among all that there is renewed hope on many fronts: vaccines on the brink of approval and deployment, and a new administration that at the very least recognizes the scientific facts around the climate crisis, and the need for urgent action to prevent its worst impacts. 

Hope, however, is just a start. Being hopeful in a fundamental sense requires a commitment to the work that will turn that hope into the realities that we are hoping for. Yes, we have an incoming administration that will hopefully not work incessantly to undo decades of the modest climate action previously achieved. But we must go a lot further than that. If this year has shown us anything it’s that climate change is no longer a threat to “future generations.” Its impacts are here, they are worse and happening more rapidly than we ever predicted, and they are not going anywhere. 

The good news is that we still have the ability to change the course of the climate crisis, for as much as has already been lost, there is a lot that we still can do. Emissions reductions and the move towards clean technologies need to be accelerated. We need broad and far reaching policy that will not just make that happen, but ensure job creation, equity, and public health for all. We need your help in continuing to do our part in this crucial moment. 

We are already doing the important work of analyzing and understanding how climate investments can — and should — tackle the overlapping issues of clean energy needs, job creation, climate resilience, and public health. We are the only organization to date that has published a subnational, quantitative, comprehensive report on green stimulus, and we plan to continue undertaking this research throughout this year and into 2021.

In order to remain free from ties to large donors, and keep control in steering our own path, the bulk of our budget comes from small dollar donations from those who support our mission and share our vision for the future. The best part? We do it through a raffle that gives them a chance to both support our cause, and at the same time be entered to win a zero-emissions vehicle, which also happens to be the safest car on the market. Yep, that is right, we are giving our winner their very own custom-made Tesla to kick off 2021 in the very best way we can possibly think of. If that’s not your thing, you can always donate to our work directly on our website, or just subscribe to our newsletter and support us by following our work and joining our growing movement. 


Raffle Details: 

Total Prize Pool Value: $209,798

1st Prize – Total Value = S189,798

Your choice of: Model X SUV or Model S Luxury Sedan or Model Y Midsize SUV or Model 3 Midsize Sedan 

Max car total = $125,190

+ Tax Payments of $64,608

2nd Prize $10,000

3rd Prize $5,000

4th Prize $3,000

5th Prize $2,000

Tickets are capped at 4,000, so don’t wait to get yours! The full legal and raffle details can be found here.

We love Tesla’s mission of accelerating the transition to renewable energy because that is what we also strive to do. By buying a raffle ticket, you will be supporting our mission and helping us accomplish this very critical work for the future of our planet. You will also be joining millions around the world on this, the annual day of Giving.  It’s a win-win!