The Dashboard Digest article series takes a deeper look into the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard.

Photo Illustration: Amanda Pontillo, Climate XChange

The Dashboard Digest is intended to serve as a resource to state policy actors who are seeking to increase their understanding of climate policies, learn from experts in each policy area, and view examples of states that have passed model policies.

Each Policy Area (Governance and Equity, Adaptation & Resilience, Electricity, Buildings & Efficiency, Transportation, Agriculture, and Industry, Materials & Waste Management) is broken down into categories of individual policies. The Dashboard Digest will examine each policy category through a guiding principle, framework, or theme to provide valuable context to analyze and design individual policies.

For each category, there will be a Policy Primer article that introduces the thematic framework for the policies that we track. Following this introductory article will be individual briefs on each policy including an in-depth description, policy components, and examples of model state policies that have been passed. We will utilize the strength of our State Climate Policy Network by including interviews with network members and stories from people on the ground working to pass climate policies.


Policies that increase renewable electricity, modernize the grid, and otherwise reduce emissions in the electricity sector


Image of an apartment building connected by a line to a computer with a solar panel coming out of the screen, which is connected to a electric transmission tower to represent shared renewable policies
Policy Explainer: Expanding Access to Clean Energy with Shared Renewables

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

Collage of a windmill, solar panel, and electric lines connected by lines to a storage container with a battery symbol on it.
Policy Explainer: How Energy Storage Policies Can Allow Grids to Run on Renewables

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

A yellow circle with a wedge cut out from it and is separated. The larger piece has three wind turbines on it. The smaller piece has three stacks of coins, each with a solar panel on top. There is graph paper overlying both sections. The image represents RPS carve-outs.
Policy Explainer: Creating Renewable Energy Markets Through Solar Carve-Outs

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

Photo collage of a bar chart with a wind turbine, solar panel, and power lines.
Policy Explainer: Creating Demand for Clean Energy with Renewable Portfolio Standards

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

An electric meter with a road coming from the center on the left side and solar panels coming from the center on the right side to illustrate net metering
Policy Explainer: Building Foundations for Renewable Energy through Net Metering

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

A hand holding a yellow square with the top of a wind turbine placing the square onto a grid of other yellow squares to represent policy stacking
Policy Primer: Unlocking Renewable Energy Potential through Policy Stacking

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....


Image of a telephone pole with a shadow diverging into a wind mill and a smoke stack on top of an electricity bill to represent green power programs
Policy Explainer: How States Can Expand Consumer Power Choices

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

Two overlapping rectangular images. The bottom image is yellow and has intersecting thin lines. The top image is a power plant in black and white and has a yellow loading bar with text that says "updating..." The photos represent grid modernization.
Policy Explainer: What States Can Do to Modernize the Grid

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

Image of solar panels with legs standing in line waiting to be plugged into an outlet to symbolize interconnection standards.
Policy Explainer: Fast-Tracking Renewables with Interconnection Standards

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

An image of an electric bill in the background and a yellow graph with wind turbines in the foreground to represent utility reform.
Policy Explainer: How Utility Reform Can Align Profits with Climate Goals

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

Image of a folded map with a polluting power plant on the left side and a wind turbine on the right. There is a hand holding an hourglass in the foreground to represent Clean Energy Plans
Policy Explainer: Designing a Roadmap for Decarbonization with Clean Energy Plans

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

Photo collage of a black briefcase with a light switch on the front. The background has two yellow rectangles with a graph showing profits rising. The image represents the power of investor-owned utilities.
Policy Primer: The Grid Isn’t Broken, But Still Needs Fixing

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....


Policies that decarbonize and reduce energy use in the buildings sector


Policy Explainer: Reducing Buildings Sector Emissions by Financing Energy Efficiency Projects

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

Image of a hand holding a thermometer in front of a house with a white roof on the left side. There are heat lines coming off of the black roof side.
Policy Explainer: How States Can Create Resilient and Sustainable Cities Through Cool Roof Policy

Destiny Gonzalez ǀ Policy & Research ProgramThis summer, cities endured soaring temperatures well beyond 100°F, making it likely the hottest summer on global record. Urban settings tend to trap more heat than less densely populated areas — straining economic resources,...

Policy Explainer: How Appliance Standards Can Cut Emissions and Increase Savings

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

Policy Explainer: How States Can Leverage Weatherization Assistance Programs to Reach Climate Targets

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

A book with windows on it that says "energy code" with construction workers hanging off the side.
Policy Explainer: Writing a Blueprint for Efficiency with Energy Codes

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

Policy Explainer: How Energy Efficiency Resource Standards Align Utility Profits with Energy Savings

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

Editorial collage with a group of buildings overlapping one another in front of a purple circle and sitting on grass. Construction workers in the foreground are directing a crane which is carrying a water heater.
Policy Primer: Why States are Targeting Buildings Policies to Meet Their Climate Goals

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....


Policies that limit Short-Lived Climate Pollutants, industrial emissions, and material waste


Policy Explainer: Reducing SF6 Emissions through Power Sector Regulations

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....

Policy Primer: Reframing How We Think About Industrial Emissions

Climate XChange’s Dashboard Digest is a deep dive on each of the policies that we track in the State Climate Policy Dashboard and an exploration of how these policies can interact with one another to form a robust policy landscape....


Policies that establish targets, plans, accountability, and other important procedures to properly address climate and environmental justice


Policies that encourage electrification, reduce vehicle use, and otherwise reduce emissions in the transportation sector


Policies to prepare for the local impacts of the climate crisis and other environmental disasters


Policies that promote healthy soil and regenerative agriculture, and reduce food waste