
New Research: MD Governor Falls Short on Climate Action

Alongside the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, we requested a policy review of Maryland’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act: 2019 GGRA Draft Plan released by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) in October. Our review was conducted by the Center...

Climate XChange releases guide to carbon pricing policy

Climate XChange recently released Recommendations for State-Level Carbon Pollution Pricing, a comprehensive guide to designing legislation or executive branch action to implement either carbon pollution fees or cap-and-trade policies. The guide is accompanied by a Sample Carbon Fee/Tax Legislation and...

Carbon Pricing in a Just Transition

A Policy Framework and Case Study of California Cap-and-Trade. Carbon pricing is a promising policy option to help facilitate the transition to a green sustainable economy. It also has the potential to provide substantial and crucial revenue to fund the diverse solutions...

Climate XChange Submits Comments to Improve TCI Forecasts

Over the next few months, the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) will be forecasting the impacts of setting up a cap-and-trade system for transportation in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states. This forecast will be critical to the GHG reduction targets...

It’s Ideology, Stupid – Why Voters Still Shun Carbon Taxes

Originally posted by Kleinman Center for Energy Policy // Ioana Marinescu, Soren Anderson, and Boris Shor August 5, 2019 The failure of Washington State’s carbon tax initiatives shows that American voters are not yet ready to take action. The carbon tax vote is...

How to Have Your Carbon Fee Cake and Eat It Too

Our analysis of Massachusetts Representative Jennifer Benson’s H.2810, An Act to Promote Green Infrastructure and Reduce Carbon Emissions, shows that while it imposes substantial fees on carbon pollution, creating incentives to reduce emissions, it will still financially protect low and...

Recommendations for New Mexico Carbon Pollution Pricing Policy

This study responds to the New Mexico State Senate’s 2018 SM023, calling for a study to be done on “how a carbon fee could be implemented in New Mexico and its effects on the economy, jobs, health and greenhouse gas...

Summary: IPCC Special Report On 1.5°C

A new report released in October by the IPCC, warns of the serious and irreversible consequences of global warming if we do not enact “rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society.” The report finds that the planet will...

Regional Cap and Trade: Lessons from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and Western Climate Initiative

TWO LARGE CAP-AND-TRADE SYSTEMS for carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) exist in the U.S. — the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) that currently covers ten Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states; and the Western Climate Initiative (WCI), which now includes California and the...